Dream Lasers Technology Co., Ltd. is a leading
company in manufacture, research and development of Diode
Pumped Solid State (DPSS) UV 266nm 355nm Blue 457nm 473nm, Green 523nm 532nm 556nm 561nm,Red 671nm and Infrared & Diode Lasers,
Precision Optical Components and Nonliear Crystals with high
reliability, high stability, unbeatable prices, prompt delivery
and the best technical support and services, for science users,
commercial customers and industrial manufacturers all over
the world. |
many experienced engineers can design the products to meet
your specific requirements. Our highly skilled and experienced
technicians take pride in consistently fabricating high quality
products to meet these specifications. Our salesmen and sales engineers have strong technical background
in lasers, optics and crystal. We respond rapidly and offer
excellent technical and custom services. |
up-to-date optical metrology equipment includes NewPort Power
Meter, Laser Beam Profilometers, Zygo GPI-XP interferometer,
a Perkin-Elmer Lambda 900, a radius tester, waveplate tester
and ellipsometers. These pieces of equipment along with many
others, ensure that we comply with all specifications. Our
large quality department tightly controls manufacturing processes
and quality procedures. |
cost for high quality products is the major advantage of Dream
Lasers. From the prices listed in catalog or the
quotation to you, you'll find that Dream
Lasers' prices are always one of the lowest. Higher
quantity discounts are offered to OEM customers for larger
orders. Contact Dream Lasers
to save your cost ...
stock items include green lasers, nonliear crystals (KTP,
BBO, Nd:YVO4, Nd:YAG...) and precision optics, (prisms, windows,
lenses, mirrors, beamsplitters, waveplates). We maintain a
stock of over 10,000 components, available for immediate delivery. |
Lasers |
Precision Optica |
Crystals |