Shanghai Dream Lasers will attend the Photonex - Coventry, UK, 15-16 , Oct, 2008

Shanghai Dream Lasers will attend the Salon"OPTOˇ±Paris , France, Sept. 30th - Oct. 1st & 2nd, 2008

Shanghai Dream Lasers announces newly developed 375nm & 405nm & 410nm & 440nm & 445nm lasers Modules . ------Jun 19, 2007

Shanghai Dream Lasers developed higher output power DPSS 266nm & 355nm UV lasers. ------May 12, 2007

Shanghai Dream Lasers begins the mass production of Fiber coupled RGB laser & HIGH output power RGB lasers ------April 06, 2007

Shanghai Dream Lasers will attend the 'Technologies Hi-Tech', Israel's leading international electro-optics and electronics exhibition, March 26-27th, 2007.

Shanghai Dream Lasers begins the mass production of Fiber coupled laser. ------March 25, 2007

Shanghai Dream Lasers will attend the Salon"OPTOˇ± , France, 17, 18 and 19, Oct, 2006

Shanghai Dream Lasers announces newly developed DPSS 266nm & 355nm & 430nm UV lasers. ------Sep 26, 2006

Shanghai Dream Lasers announces newly developed DPSS 501nm & 589nm & 593nm lasers ------Aug 10, 2006

Shanghai Dream Lasers pushed out the high quality low price MM Fibercoupled laser. ------Jun 16, 2006

Shanghai Dream Lasers announces newly developed DPSS 556nm & 561nm& 914nm lasers . ------Mar 21, 2006

Shanghai Dream Lasers announces newly developed DPSS 457nm & 523nm lasers & 946nm lasers ------Jan 10, 2006

Shanghai Dream Lasers begins the mass production of 1500mW DPSS green lasers------Oct 20, 2005

Shanghai Dream Lasers will attend the UK laser and optics exhibition Photonex 05, 5th and 6th October , 2005

Shanghai Dream Lasers developed DPSS 671nm Red lasers, high output power 635nm & 650nm Red Laser Modules------July 20, 2005

Shanghai Dream Lasers will attend the 2005 LASER-World of Photonics, Munich, Germany, 13 ~16th Jun , 2005

Shanghai Dream Lasers developed 850nm Red laser Module ------Sep 20, 2004

Shanghai Dream Lasers begins the mass production of 500mW DPSS green lasers & 1W 1064nm DPSS IR lasers ------April 20, 2004

Shanghai Dream Lasers pushed out the high quality low price 200mW 635nm & 300mW 650nm Red Laser Modules. ------June 29, 2004

Shanghai Dream Lasers announces newly developed 300mW DPSS green lasers. ------May 10, 2003

Shanghai Dream Lasers announces newly developed 25mW 635nm & 50mW 650nm Red Laser Modules. ------March 12, 2003

Shanghai Dream Lasers will attend the Photonic West 2003 Show, Jan. 28-29, 2003, San Jose Convention Center, San Jose, California. ------ Jan. 28-29, 2003

High volume production lines are set up to provide Lens, Penta Prisms and Waveplates ------August 29, 2002

Shanghai Dream Lasers developed 10X, 30X beam expanders for lasers. ------May 18, 2002

Shanghai Dream Lasers begins the mass production of CaF2 series produts. ------March 25, 2002

Shanghai Dream Lasers will attend the Photonic West 2002 Show, Jan. 22-24, 2002, San Jose Convention Center, San Jose, California. ------January 16, 2002

Shanghai Dream Lasers announces its newly developed high performance 200mW DPSS green lasers. ------November 15, 2001

Shanghai Dream Lasers pushed out the high quality low price 100mW DPSS Green Lasers. ------October 29, 2001

Shanghai Dream Lasers pushed out the low price 50mW DPSS Green Lasers. ------September 20, 2001

Shanghai Dream Lasers are pleased to settle website Http:// ------September 20, 2001

Shanghai Dream Lasers is formally incorporated under the laws of P. R. China ------September 20, 2001


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