is defined as the maximum allowable deviation between the
optical and mechanical axes for a spherical lens. The optical
axis is defined as the line connecting the centers of curvatures
of both lens surfaces (as shown below). The mechanical axis
is the centerline of the outer cylindrical edge of the lens
or simply its geometrical axis. The mechanical axis coincides
with the rotating axis of the centering machine that edges
the lens to its final diameter. This centering process also,
in turn, defines the diameter tolerance, which is typically
+0, given mounting considerations.
a ray of light is coincident with the mechanical axis, then
a lens will deviate the ray so that it passes the optical
axis at the focal plane (as shown below). The separation of
the two axes at the focal plane is then defined as the decentration,
or axial displacement centering error. The centering accuracy
value used in optical fabrication is actually twice this value
and is often called the Total Indicator Run-out or TIR. The
deviation is then the angle equal to the decentration divided
by the focal length of the lens. The concentricity or centration
of a lens is typically specified by the deviation angle, however
it is typically tested at double the value while the lens
is rotated. An angular deviation of 1 to 3 arc minutes is
common for precision components.